Year 5

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Firstly, we would like to say congratulations to students for completing another term of remote learning! Thank you to all parents and guardians for their continuous support and effort during this new learning experience, we hope you are all keeping well and safe during the lockdown period.

This term, 5B welcomed Mrs Mirela who returned from maternity leave. We have made excellent progress even though we haven’t met in person! Both classes have shown a tremendous effort in completing their daily tasks and uploading them onto MyEd. We have also improved our technical knowledge whilst completing our year 5 curriculum. We had some fun events such as Crazy Hat/Hair day and Footy Day. We also had a virtual camp on the final day of term three.

Our main text-type in English this term was explanations. Students developed several different explanations describing ‘The Lifecycle of a Butterfly’ and ‘Why do we Have Seasons?’ In grammar, students worked on nouns, verbs, conjunctions, subordinate clauses and complex sentences. The novel we have been studying this term is ‘Molly Moon’s Incredible Book of Hypnotism’. We will be continuing this novel in term four. Students have been identifying unknown words and defining them as well as completing chapter summaries.

In maths, students explored a range of topics, including multiplication and division, grid referencing, shapes, percentages and transformations. Students completed assessments during remote learning on each topic area and are reminded to take their time and not rush. Students have successfully used their remote learning time to work on their mathematical skills when applying their knowledge to the variety of topics that we have looked at.

In integrated studies, students studied space and light. We learned about planets, our Solar System and the ways humans have been able to explore and learn about our galaxy. Later in the term we looked at the topic of light. We were able to learn about the effects different objects have on light and how light travels. Students created amazing projects on the solar system and completed online tests for each topic.

As per usual, students are required to continue online tasks such as Mathletics and Reading Eggspress during remote learning. Each week, 10 Mathletics tasks are assigned which reflect the maths topic of that particular week. For Reading Eggspress, one comprehension task, one spelling task and two reading chapters are assigned from a library book for weekly completion.

We have exciting topics to look forward to in the new term. Once again, we thank you for your patience and continuous support. We wish you all a restful, well-deserved break and we are looking forward to seeing you next term, (hopefully in our classrooms!)

Kind Regards,
Mirela Hot and Erkan Kocdemir